Thursday 17th March
Booking fee: £1.50 per transaction
Doors: 7pm
General admission – unreserved seating.
Age requirements: 18+

Host Nick Wilty presents an all-new night of stand-up comedy! Come on up to the house for a barrel of laughs courtesy of performances from established comics.

Mark Simmons
Mark is an exceptional one-liner comedian. It won him a place in Dave’s prestigious Best Joke of The Fringe in Edinburgh 2017. His solo show at the festival, One-Linerer was also a huge hit, with sell out shows every day and was nominated Best Show by the Amused Moose Comedy Award Fringe Show 2017. He then continued this success with his follow-up show, One-Linererer, which was also a sell out!
“Master of one liners” one4review ★★★★★

Widely regarded as one of the finest comperes around, Windsor has been a mainstay of the live comedy circuit since 1997. He has combined years of street performance skills with a natural charm and warmth, along with an enviable ability to make people relax.
In a career that has spanned three decades he has compered shows that have included: Michael McIntyre, Jimmy Carr, Frank Skinner, Micky Flannagan, Greg Davies and Sarah Milligan. His career has taken him to the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Dubai, Poland, Germany, Norway, Iceland, Egypt and Wales!
‘A very good act, with excellent control of his audience’ – Melbourne Age (Australian national daily)
‘Windsor, a master of put down, warmed up and flushed out the hecklers. A skilled compere, Windsor delivers hot material with a rare skill.’ – The Stage

Nick Wilty
Wilty has the sort of easy-going, blokey style that could convince a hundred bar-room loudmouths that they could oh-so easily become stand-ups. They’d be wrong.
For while Wilty makes it all seem so effortless, just like that witty mate shooting the breeze in the pub, he’s a remarkably skillful comic, pinpointing the humour in any anecdote and delivering it with brilliant accuracy.
And he has plenty of tales to tell, too. As the most widely travelled act on the circuit, he has a lifetime of experiences from across the globe that he can relate to grateful audiences. These are not involved stories, merely pegs on which to hang his one-liners, some of which are reasonably straightforward, but other of which conceal a delicious twist.
On stage he might seem reassuringly old school – cocky and self-deprecating in equal measures, while never missing the opportunity for a quick one-liner or sly insult – but it proves devastatingly effective, and more than a bit deceptive.
For this Jack-the-lad exterior hides a sharp, imaginative comic mind, capable of producing the sort of subtle, postmodernist comment you might more likely expect from a well-spoken Oxbridge type. t’s a talent that allows him to straddle highbrow and lowbrow audience with equal aplomb.
In short, this accomplished comic, with a sizeable, ever-changing repertoire, is virtually guaranteed to please.